FG Announces Conditional Grants for Traders March 2024

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New Grant Opportunity for Small Businesses in Nigeria

The Federal Government of Nigeria has launched a new program called the Presidential Conditional Grant Scheme (PCGS) to support small business owners. This initiative aims to empower micro-businesses, also known as nanobusinesses, and boost the country’s economy.


What is the PCGS?

The PCGS stands for Presidential Conditional Grant Scheme. It’s a program launched by the Nigerian government to financially support small business owners, particularly those in the micro-business or “nanobusiness” category.

This initiative aims to empower these businesses and contribute to the overall economic growth of the country.

It offers grants to eligible small business owners in various sectors, including:

  • Trading
  • Food Services
  • Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
  • Transportation
  • Creative Industries and Artisans

These grants do not need to be repaid by the business owners.

How Can You Benefit?

The PCGS offers grants of N50,000 to eligible traders. This financial boost can be used to:

  • Stock Up: Replenish your inventory, purchase new products, or diversify your offerings.
  • Improve Your Shop: Invest in display cases, refrigeration units, or marketing materials to attract more customers.
  • Go Digital: Set up an online presence or explore mobile payment options to reach a wider audience.
  • Grow Your Business: Hire an assistant, expand your operation, or invest in training to enhance your skills.

Who is Eligible?

The PCGS prioritizes providing financial support to specific groups:

  • 70%: Women and Youth
  • 10%: People with Disabilities
  • 5%: Senior Citizens
  • 15%: Other demographics

This program targets often-overlooked entrepreneurs, aiming to unlock their potential and contribute to a more robust and inclusive business environment in Nigeria.

How Does it Work?

The Federal Ministry of Industry, Trade and Investment manages the PCGS, with the Bank of Industry overseeing its execution.

  • Grant Amount: Each beneficiary will receive a N50,000 grant.
  • Target: The program aims to reach one million small businesses across all 774 local government areas and the six council areas within the Federal Capital Territory.
  • Selection Process: Beneficiaries were chosen through a verification process that included checking National Identification Numbers (NIN) and Bank Verification Numbers (BVN) to ensure eligibility.

What are the Requirements?

To be considered for the PCGS grant, applicants must meet specific criteria:

  • Own a small business with promising growth potential.
  • Demonstrate a strong desire to expand the business.
  • Be willing to hire at least one additional employee when needed (depending on business growth).
  • Provide proof of residential or business address.
  • Submit relevant personal and bank account information.

The application deadline for the PCGS was December 18, 2023.

How to Apply (While Not Applicable Now)

The application period for the first round of PCGS grants has closed (December 18, 2023). However, here’s what you can do to stay informed about future opportunities:

  • Follow the Federal Ministry of Industry, Trade and Investment on their website and social media.
  • Keep an eye on the Bank of Industry’s channels for updates on grant programs.

While the initial application window is closed, the PCGS program highlights the government’s commitment to supporting small businesses. Stay tuned for future opportunities and be prepared to act quickly when the next application period opens!

By taking advantage of the PCGS grant, you can empower your business, contribute to the local economy, and achieve your entrepreneurial goals!


Q: What is a nanobusiness?

A: A nanobusiness is a very small business, typically with a handful of employees or even a single owner-operator.

Q: How can I find out about future grant opportunities?

A: You can stay informed about future grant programs by following the websites and social media channels of the Federal Ministry of Industry, Trade and Investment and the Bank of Industry.

Q: I missed the application deadline. Can I still apply?

A: Unfortunately, applications for the PCGS are closed for the current round. However, you can check the government websites for updates on future grant opportunities

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