Orange Corners Nigeria Incubation Program 2024 for Young Entrepreneurs Application Form

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Orange Corners Nigeria Incubation Program Application Form 2024 for Young Entrepreneurs

This is about the Orange Corners program. It’s from the Netherlands. It helps young people in Africa and the Middle East who want to start businesses. They teach, coach, and give money and other things to help start and grow businesses.

The focus is on new ideas that solve local problems and help with the UN’s big goals for the world. The program works with many groups like businesses, schools, governments, and more. This helps them know the local area better and help entrepreneurs more.

Who Can Apply?

To apply, you should be:

  • A young person from Lagos, Nigeria
  • Aged 18-35 years
  • Have a new business idea, not older than 2 years
  • Your idea should solve a local problem in Nigeria
  • Your idea should help with the UN’s big world goals

How They Choose People:

They will pick people based on:

  • How new and different the idea is
  • If the idea can really work
  • How much the idea helps society
  • How well the idea fits the market
  • If the business can last and grow
  • How good the person or team is

What You Get:

The program has two parts: in-person and online. It teaches about starting a business and gives tools and help. They also give networks and support for the business to grow. You will get:

  • Training in running a business
  • Help and advice for your business
  • Money for making and testing a sample of your product

How to Apply for Orange Corners Nigeria Incubation Program:

  • First, they will pick 50 people for a two-day training camp.
  • The training camp is important. A jury will watch and pick the best.

Who Gets Chosen:

  • They will choose 20 young entrepreneurs based on how they do in the training camp.
  • These 20 people will get to be in the program for six months.

When to Apply:

  • You need to apply by February 18, 2024.

Where to Apply:

  • Click a link (here) to apply.

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