Call for Applications- Plan International Nigeria Youth Support Fund 2024 at Plan International

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Plan International Nigeria Youth Support Fund 2024

Investing in Nigeria’s Future

Plan International Nigeria is proud to announce the launch of the Youth Support Fund 2024! This initiative is a powerful call to action, designed to ignite the passion and potential of young Nigerians, particularly girls, to become active agents of change in their communities.

Nigeria Youth Support Fund

Why Focus on Youth?

Young people are not simply the future of Nigeria; they are the driving force of positive change in the present. They bring a unique perspective, brimming with fresh ideas and innovative solutions.

Their creativity and boundless energy are a catalyst for tackling complex social issues that affect women and girls.

By investing in youth-led initiatives, we nurture a generation of passionate leaders who are deeply committed to building a brighter future for themselves and their communities.

Investing in Youth Creates Long-Term Impact:

  • Fresh Perspectives: Young people challenge the status quo and offer innovative approaches to age-old problems. Their experiences and viewpoints are crucial in creating sustainable solutions for women and girls’ empowerment.
  • Long-Term Commitment: Empowering young leaders today cultivates a generation of advocates who will continue to champion the rights and well-being of women and girls throughout their lives.
  • Capacity Building: Investing in youth strengthens future leadership in governance, programming, and advocacy efforts. By equipping young people with the necessary skills and resources, we empower them to shape a more equitable and just society.

Areas of Focus

Plan International Nigeria is seeking proposals from youth-led organizations tackling critical issues that disproportionately affect women and girls in the country. These areas include:

  • Education: Promoting access to quality education for all girls, ensuring a safe and supportive learning environment, and addressing gender disparities in education.
  • Protection: Creating safe spaces for girls, free from violence, exploitation, and abuse. Promoting mental health well-being and fostering a culture of respect and safety within communities.
  • Climate Change: Empowering young people to lead the fight against climate change and its devastating impact on women and girls. This includes building resilience, advocating for climate justice, and developing sustainable solutions for a healthier planet.
  • Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR): Ensuring young people, particularly girls, have access to comprehensive SRHR information, education, and services. This includes promoting safe sex practices, combating gender-based violence, and advocating for sexual and reproductive rights for all.

Eligibility Criteria:

To be eligible for a grant under the Youth Support Fund 2024, organizations must meet the following criteria:

  • Youth-Led: The organization must be demonstrably led by young people between the ages of 18 and 30. Leadership skills, relevant qualifications, and a clear commitment to women and girls’ empowerment will be evaluated.
  • Proven Track Record: The organization must possess a proven track record of successful work with communities and groups, specifically addressing issues related to women and girls’ well-being.
  • Registered Organization: The organization must be officially registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) of Nigeria or be part of a recognized network with a verified organizational bank account.

Project Implementation:

The Youth Support Fund 2024 projects are designed to be implemented within a six-month timeframe, from May to October 2024.

A key emphasis will be placed on ensuring strong youth leadership throughout the entire project cycle, from planning and implementation to monitoring and evaluation.

Funding Support:

Plan International Nigeria recognizes the financial limitations faced by many youth-led organizations. To bridge this gap, the Youth Support Fund provides grants ranging from 3 million to 7 million Naira to support project implementation.

A Step-by-Step Guide to Applying:

Aspiring young leaders and their organizations are encouraged to apply for the Youth Support Fund 2024. Here’s a simple guide to the application process:

  1. Download the Templates: Access the proposal template (Annex 1) and budget template (Annex 2) provided by Plan International Nigeria. These templates will guide you in crafting a well-structured and informative proposal.
  2. Develop Your Proposal: Using the provided template, clearly articulate your project’s goals, objectives, activities, and expected outcomes. Highlight the innovative aspects of your solution and how it empowers youth leadership to address the chosen focus area.
  3. Prepare Your Budget: Accurately outline your project expenses using the budget template. Ensure all costs are directly related to project implementation and demonstrate a clear understanding of resource allocation.
  1. Submit Your Application: Compile your proposal (using template Annex 1) and budget (using template Annex 2) into a single zipped folder labeled with your organization’s name.
  2. Email Your Application: Send the zipped folder as an email attachment to Remember to include “Plan International Nigeria Youth Support Fund 2024” in the subject line of your email.
  3. Application Deadline: Don’t miss the deadline! Applications must be submitted by 5pm WAT (West Africa Time) on Friday, March 29th, 2024.

Call Details
Click here for Further information about this proposal and templates.

Important Information

Strict Format: Proposals that do not adhere to the specified format (zipped folder, labeled documents, email subject line) will be disqualified.

  • Read Carefully: Thoroughly review the call for proposals and application instructions before submitting your application.
  • Selection Process: Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted for further consideration.
  • Girls Leading the Way: Girls-led organizations are highly encouraged to apply. Plan International Nigeria strongly believes in the power and potential of young women to drive positive change.
  • Final Selection: Plan International Nigeria reserves the right to select the final grant recipients based on the outlined criteria and the overall strength of the proposals received.

Join the Conversation: Learn More and Ask Questions

Plan International Nigeria is committed to providing comprehensive information and fostering open communication with interested applicants.

To this end, they are hosting a Q&A webinar on Wednesday, March 20th, 2024, at 10am WAT.

This webinar is a valuable opportunity for young leaders to learn more about the Youth Support Fund, ask questions, and gain insights into the application process.

Click here to register for the Q&A webinar (Zoom link).

Empowering Young Nigerians for a Brighter Future

The Youth Support Fund 2024 is a powerful initiative with the potential to transform the lives of women and girls in Nigeria.

By investing in young leaders and their innovative solutions, we can create a future where all girls have the opportunity to thrive, reach their full potential, and become agents of positive change in their communities.

Together, let’s unlock the power of young Nigerians and build a more just and equitable future for all!

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